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Applying notification

To use notification, you need to wrap the root component with provider.

import { KitraProvider } from '@tra-tech/react-native-kitra';
import App from './src/App';

export default function Main() {
return (
<App />

Applying custom notification

To use notification, you need to wrap the root component with provider.

import { KitraProvider } from '@tra-tech/react-native-kitra';
import App from './src/App';

const linearMessageType = (theme: any, colorSheme: any) => ({
backgroundColor: {
color: theme.successBackground,
location: [0.2, 1],
bottomColor: theme.successBottom,
bottomLocation: [0, 0.8],
icon: <NotificationSuccess />,
backgroundColor: {
color: theme.warningBackground,
location: colorSheme === 'dark' ? [0, 0.8] : [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8],
bottomColor: theme.warningBottom,
bottomLocation: [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8],
icon: <NotificationInfo />,
backgroundColor: {
color: theme.errorBackground,
location: colorSheme === 'dark' ? [0.2, 1] : [0, 0.3, 0.6],
bottomColor: theme.errorBottom,
bottomLocation: [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8],
icon: <NotificationError />,

export default function Main() {
return (
<KitraProvider linearMessageType={(theme, colorScheme) => linearMessageType(theme, colorScheme)}>
<App />

Show notifications on screen

To show notifications on the screen, use the useNotification hook.

The showNotification function is used to organize and show notifications. You can customize these values to create your own notification. You can also use linear gradient colors.

import { useNotification } from '@tra-tech/react-native-kitra';

export function App() {
const {showNotification}= useNotification();

return (
onPress={()=> showNotification({ type: 'WARNING', header: 'WARNING NOTIFICATION', message: 'Warning Information' })}>
<Text>Show Notification</Text>

Kitra Provider Props

Prop nameTypeRequiredDescription
containerStyleStyleProp<ViewStyle>NoAdditional styles to apply to the notification container.
linearMessageType(theme?:any, colorScheme?:('dark'|'light')=> {[key:string]:
location:number [],
bottomColor:string [],
bottomLocation:number []} icon:React.ReactNodeonPress:()=>void}}
NoNotification linear gradient style to show.
limitnumberNoMaximum notification to show. Default value: 3
onPress()=>voidNoFunction to execute on press.
messageType [key: status]: { backgroundColor: string, icon: React.ReactNode}NoNotification style to show.

showNotification Types

showNotification{type:status, header?:string, message?:string
statusstatus: 'SUCCESS' | 'WARNING' | 'ERROR' | 'INFO'