The Dropdown component provides a dropdown menu functionality. It allows users to select one or multiple items from a list of options displayed in a dropdown menu. The component is highly customizable with various props that can be passed to modify its appearance and behavior.
import { Dropdown } from '@tra-tech/react-native-kitra';
import { Dropdown } from '@tra-tech/react-native-kitra';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
const data = [{ label: 'Item 1', value: 1 }, { label: 'Item 2', value: 2 }, { label: 'Item 3', value: 3 }, { label: 'Item 4', value: 4 }, { label: 'Item 5', value: 5 }];
const App = () => {
const [select, setSelect] = useState();
return (
<View style={{ rowGap: 100 }}>
<View style={{ zIndex: 101, flex: 1 }}>
containerStyle={{ marginTop: 20 }}
buttonTitle="Please Select"
buttonTextStyle={{ color: 'black', marginLeft: 18 }}
rowTextStyle={{ color: '#8973CD' }}
buttonBackgrounColor={{ focusBackground: '#8973CD', defaultBackground: '#F9F8FD' }}
rowStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#F9F8FD' }}
buttonStyle={{ width: '100%', height: 51, borderRadius: 50 }}
listContainerStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#F9F8FD' }}
onSelect={x => setSelect(x.label)}
displayedButtonValue={x => x.label}
displayedRowValue={x => x.label}
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
containerStyle={{ marginTop: 20 }}
buttonTitle="Please Select"
buttonTextStyle={{ color: 'black', marginLeft: 18 }}
rowTextStyle={{ color: '#8973CD' }}
buttonBackgrounColor={{ focusBackground: '#8973CD', defaultBackground: '#F9F8FD' }}
rowStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#F9F8FD' }}
buttonStyle={{ width: '100%', height: 51, borderRadius: 50 }}
listContainerStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#F9F8FD' }}
onSelect={x => setSelect(x.value)}
displayedButtonValue={x => x.label}
displayedRowValue={x => x.label}
export default App;
Prop name | Type | Required | Description |
multiple | boolean | No | Determines whether the dropdown should allow multiple selections. Default value: false |
disabled | boolean | No | Determines whether the dropdown is disabled. Default value: false . |
left | (isVisible:boolean)=>React.ReactNode | No | A React node that will be created to the left of the dropdown button and return its visible. |
right | (isVisible:boolean)=>React.ReactNode | No | A React node that will be created to the right of the dropdown button and return its visible. |
data | Array<(string | object )> | Yes | An array of objects or strings to be used as options in the dropdown list. |
displayedRowValue | (item: string | object) => any | Yes | A function that takes an item from the data array and returns a value to be displayed in the dropdown list. |
displayedButtonValue | (item: string | object) => any | Yes | A function that takes an item from the data array and returns a value to be displayed on the dropdown button. |
listContainerStyle | StyleProp<ViewStyle> | No | An object containing styles to be applied to the dropdown list container. |
defaultValue | Array<string | object> | No | An array of objects or strings to be pre-selected in the dropdown. |
displayLength | number | No | The number of items to display in the button. |
buttonTitle | string | No | The default text to be displayed on the dropdown button when no options are selected. |
rowStyle | StyleProp<ViewStyle> | No | An object containing styles to be applied to each item in the dropdown list. |
buttonStyle | StyleProp<ViewStyle> | No | An object containing styles to be applied to the dropdown button. |
buttonTextStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle> | No | An object containing styles to be applied to the text inside the dropdown button. |
selectall | boolean | No | Whether to include a "Select All" option in the dropdown. |
onSelect | (item: Array<string> | Array<object> | string | object) => void | No | A function to be called whenever an item is selected in the dropdown. |
onComplete | (item: object | string) => void | No | A function to be called whenever submit button pressed. |
rowTextStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle> | No | An object containing styles to be applied to the text inside each item in the dropdown list. |
containerStyle | StyleProp<ViewStyle> | No | An object containing styles to be applied to the dropdown container. |
buttonBackgrounColor | { focusBackground: string, defaultBackground: string } | No | Used to customize the background color of the dropdown. |
iconStyle | { color: string, container: StyleProp<ViewStyle> } | No | The color property determines the icon's color, and the container property defines the style of the container that holds the icon. |
autoPosition | boolean | No | Controls whether the dropdown component's dropdown menu is positioned automatically. Default value: true |
theme | UITheme | No | The theme to use for the component. |
typography | UITypography | No | The typography to use for the component. |