Text Input
The Text Input, a text input with label, count, helper text, left and right icons, and animations for the label and input box.
import { TextInput } from '@tra-tech/react-native-kitra';
import { TextInput, Icon } from '@tra-tech/react-native-kitra';
import { View } from 'react-native';
const App = () => (
<View style={{ justifyContent: 'center', flex: 1 }}>
left={<Icon type="ant-design" name="check" size={20} />}
right={<Icon type="ant-design" name="apple1" size={20} />}
defaultValue="Default Value"
export default App;
Prop name | Type | Required | Description |
size | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | No | The size of the text input. Default Value: 'medium' |
iconPosition | 'left' | 'right' | No | Location of the icon. |
labelColor | {focus:string, default:string} | No | Label color for focus and unfocus status |
helperText | string | No | Text of helper text. |
helperTextStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle> | No | Additional styles to apply to the helper text. |
variant | 'filled' | 'outlined' | No | Variant of the TextInput. Default value: 'filled' , |
containerStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle> | No | Style of outter input container. |
inputContainerStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle> | No | Style of inner input container. |
labelContainerStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle> | No | Style of label container. |
count | boolean | No | Shows the number of text input characters. Default value: false . |
label | string | No | The text to use for the floating label. |
labelStyle | StyleProp<TextStyle> | No | Additional styles to apply to the label text. |
editable | boolean | No | If false, text is not editable. Default value: true . |
inputStyle | StyleProp<ViewStyle> | No | Additional styles to apply to the text input. |
errorMessage | string | No | Error message. |
error | boolean | No | If error is true error message is shown. |
left | React.ReactNode | No | Used to add a react node to the left of the text input. |
right | React.ReactNode | No | Used to add a react node to the right of the text input. |
...TextInputProps | TextInputProps | No | Any additional props to be passed TextInput component. |
theme | UITheme | No | The UI theme to use for the component. |
typography | UITypography | No | The UI typography to use for the component. |